Flo (left): Lace LEOTARD worn as top {Grace’s mum’s}; CARDIE {knitted for me when I was 9 by Auntie Hazel}; SKIRT {Upper 5th}; TIGHTS {Marks and Spencer}; HEELS {Office}
Grace (right): Ruffle SHIRT {Marcos & Trump}; SHORTS {Dad’s cut-offs}; BELT{Charity shop}; JACKET{Vintage}; BROGUE HEELS {Priceless Shoes!!*}; BROLLY {Sue Rider}; HEART CUSHION {Graceland}
*Never fear Priceless Shoes or even,..Shoezone (shock horror!) – I have found a few pairs of sweeeet shoes for absolute pittance nestling between the £3 fake Crocs
It is simply the best of fun to run around local fields in the wind and rain shooting photos while people park up to glare at you.
Ok, I didn’t make the heart cushion in the pic (‘cos the shape might be a bit hard) but I do love making square (!) cushions out of spare bits of fabric from old curtains/size 20 dresses from charity shops. They make your bed all snugly and are great gifts in these hard times – I made my best friend one for her birthday and even made one for each of my housemates this year with their names on*. Awwwww bless, I know. You really want to make one now though:
1) Cut out 2 squares of fabric (fold corner across to get accurate square!)
2) Sew together 2 squares of fabric inside out
3) Leave a good enough space at one corner to stuff the fabric through
4) Turn the fabric the right way round
5) Stuff away with teddy-bear stuffing! (you can get this from a Haberdashery)
6) Sew up the corner and you have a comfy ol’cushion
*Graceland cushions will be on sale soon…

Très Thelma and Louise, non?
Flo (left): EARRINGS {Topshop}; FLOWER HAIRCLIPS {Accessorize}; PEACH LIPGLOSS {Natural Collection, Boots}
Grace (right): HEADSCARF {Vintage}; RED LIPSTICK {Rimmel, Boots}>
I love this! The photography is amazing!